
Sinking; so sick of thinking

People said, If you don't want to overthink, then what's the point of having brains? Mad? No. That was pretty true anyways. I remember that all by myself drowning in my tears, I  was dealing with the pain and having nightmares. And I completely cut off communication with everyone except my parents. Then i tried to find out, why do I overthink everything? How can i quiet my mind? When everyone ovethinks things once in a while, I just can't ever seem to be quiet constant barrage of thoughts.  Ruminating and Worrying These inner monologue have two desctructive thought patterns. Ruminating involves rehashing the past. Thoughts may include things like:  "I shouldn't have spoken up in the meeting today. Everyone looked at me like I was an idiot" "My parents always said I wouldn't amount to anything. And they were right" "I'll never get promoted. It doesn't matter what I do. It's not going to happen" The tendency to overthink every...
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